designed by Mike Heydinger
This campaign brochure from Tom's run for judgeship probably says it all up to that point in his life. But remember who published it!
(You can increase the size of this document to make it more legible by holdoing down the Ctr key and striking the + key at the same time. Do it several times and the picture size will grow.)
The Herbert Heydinger farm was purchased from Herbert's father, August, in 1948-49 when Gus retired and moved into New Washington. Prior to August's ownership, the farm belonged to Gus's in-laws, the Wechters. The farm consisted of a total of 80 acres on both sides of the road. In addition to this farm, Herbert also farmed land north and east on XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Road, a total there of Y acres.
Tom once did time at a seminary, the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus OH from 1954 until 1960. The garb in which you see him dressed was worn by the collegians and theologians based upon the garb worn in Rome at the Pontifical Insitutue there.
If you had a color photo, what you would see is a red belly band exactly the same color as that of a monsignor's garb. The biretta (fancy hat) was solid black, though. There was also a svelt looking piece of red piping that ran down the entire edge of the cassock, beginning directly under the Roman collar. (It shows up in a lighter color in this photo.) Across the top of the chest was a line of five buttons and then three red buttons also decorated the sleeves at the wrist. A very smart looking Monsignor or even Cardinal he would have made!
Spot Tom in here? He's the good looking one in the middle with the prettiest one, Carol, in the back and the cutest one, Edwin, in the front. The photo was taken up at Herbert's other place in the mid-1940's, probably right after the war.
Ever wonder why Herbert was called Whitey? This early picture, taken about 1913, shows Mayme and Gus with their four oldest children. Left to right are Geneva, Mayme holding possibly Lucille, yep, little Whitey in the pure blond hair, and Gus holding up Sylvester.
Tom served in Vietnam piloting helicopters, taking them up for test flights after repairs. This photo proves he was really there. That's another relative with him, Jim clady, Vera's oldest son (Grandson of Ott Heydinger, if that makes it easier for those in that generation!)
Tom graduated from college at Dayton in 1964 and then entered graduate school at Ohio Northern, taking his law degree there. Here he poses on graduation day with Herbert and Erma, and his sibs, Herman and Carol.
Hunter-gatherers return from turtle hunt down in the muck land on the southwest edge of the Celeryville area. Seems that summer the swamp was rather dry, and the boys took advantage. Herbert poses here with their catch along with Roman and Bob Karl, Paul Studer, and Herbert's brother Raymond.
The Sheibley family. Erma is in the rear, second from the right