designed by Mike Heydinger
This picture was taken in 1943 and shows Donald in uniform flanked by Harold on the left and Gilbert on the right. Tragedy marked the family as Donald's plane was lost in Florida as part of his training for the WWII effort. Donald was part of Lt Flight D Sq "O" Army Air Force.
This is the home on Swabb Road, south of New Washington, where Peter Heydinger set up homesteading. Here were born Ott and the other of Peter's children..After their wedding, Ott and Josephine moved into this home with the parents and other children for a while. Peter and Rose moved out later, and here were born many of Ott's children down as far as Gilbert (Gib). The home is presently owned by Richard Green.
This house in town was Ott's last home. It sits directly across the street from St. Bernard's Catholic Church and was previously owned by Ott's parents, Pete and Rose.
Sometime around 1939 - 40, this picture was taken of Ott and the boys out at the dairy farm on Swabb Road. Little Bill stands before Donald, Ott holds Allan, Harold and Gib stand behind Glenn.
Sometime around the beginning of WWII, this family portrati was made of Ott and Josephine and all the children. In the back are Donald, Viola, Harold, Bertha, Gilbert and Vera. In front are Glenn, Ott, Allan, Josephine, with Inez standing behind Bill.
Wedding day in 1950 for Gib has the boys lined up again. Ott oversees Harold, Gib, Glenn, Bill and Allan.
Ott and his brother Bert were in the business one time of running a stud service for draft horses. Here we see the pages of a brochure advertising their stallion's services.
Josephine Durwald Heydinger's parents were Joseph and Catherine Mehnan Durnwald, seen here in the picture take on their 55th wedding anniversary in 1949.