The Crawford County Attraction
What was the attraction of the John Adam Heydinger family to Crawford County in the first place?
The answer is that there were family relatives already living in the area, near present day Chatfield between Route 4 and New Washington.
The family name was Dallas. So how were they related? One has to go back one generation in the family to Pierre Heydinger, John Adam's father.
Pierre had married a Barbe Delesse. Some of her family members had emmigrated prior to John Adam's leaving the Alsace area. Upon their arrival in the New World - and we don't know when that was - their name was effectively changed - or misspelled at the point of entry - into Dallas.
How is that possible? Simple. Pronounce the namea "Delesse" but make the final e silent. What's it sound like? "Dallas1) What attracted the family to the Crawford County area in the first place?
2) How did the family travel to that general vicinity?
3) Was Crawford County their intended destination?
4) Once in the Crawford County area, how did they acquire land for homesteading in the area?
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