The John Heydinger II Family
John Heydinger, named for his father and grandfather, was born on April 11 in 1867 and passed away on June 5, 1940. We have no information to put up here on John and thus seek your help. John and his wife, Rosella Lorraine, Geiser, had only one child, Phillip Heydinger. Phillip returned from WWII but never married so there are no living descendants of this John Heydinger family branch.
Since we have almost no information about John or Lorraine, we would be beholden to anyone who could supply us. We do have a little oral history from Dorothy and Earl Heydinger to pass along and a couple pictures at this point that we can share.
Dorothy Heydinger Ernst had quite first hand knowledge of her Aunt Lorraine as she and Phillip were only eleven months apart and practically raised together with all the back and forth visiting and family sharing between the two families. So when Dorothy says that Lorrraine was particularly proud of her education and learning, especially in language, we have to believe her. Dorothy mentions in one memoir that since she had been raised so close to her Grandmother Mary who spoke mostly Low German, Dorothy had a propensity for many Germanic expressions. Her favorite expression was "outen the lights" and her English pronunciation also lacked the Queen's crispness, as far as Lorraine was concerned. Dorothy always used to say she wanted a "botton dress," and then got her head chewed off by Lorraine. Her written expressin was also impeccable, she thought, but you can judge for yourself when reading some of the first reunin histories and notes.
Earl Heydinger, Dorothy's younger brother, was also long-suffering in the presence of Lorraine. He recounts in a rather jocular tone how Lorraine always believed that on her side of the family she had been descended from a rather notable ancestor. Except that some years later, the historian in Earl discovered that it was not quite so. Thereafter, while he never had the courage to tell Lorraine of her commoner roots, he chuckled silently whenever she waxed eloquent about her family.

This picture shows Lorraine Heydinger with her pet dogs. She may have been great with language and dogs, but her shrubbery leaves a bit to be desired!
This website is your chief source for information concerning the 2010 John Heydinger five-year reunion, aka "The Big One." While it may seem primitive right now, it will be constantly updated, so check back frequently.
The 2010 reunon date has been set for July 31 - August 1, 2010.
Saturday evening will have a Mass, celebrated by Fr Frank Kehres, at 5 PM. A potluck supper will follow, with square dancing continuing till 11 PM - all at North Auburn's Mother of Sorrows Church.
Sunday will be celebrated entirely in New Washington's St. Bernard's Parish Hall. Bring your goodies around 11:30 AM, and dinner will begin promptly at noon. The committee will supply all table service wear and drinks.
Also, since the family auction was such a terrific fundraiser in 2005, we have decided to repeat this event. So begin now to create some object(s) which would be of interest to the family and have some monetary value at auction in order to help raise funds to throw the next big bash in 2015!
HELP!!! We need your HELP!!!
This is YOUR FAMILY WEBSITE. It will be successful only if YOU contribute. You do NOT have to be computer savy to help out. Contact us, and we'll git'er done!
We need Current Contact Information.
In order to keep all folks fully informed, we need CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION: street addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
Contact your siblings, your children away from home, your folks - anyone in the relation - to email us their current contact information. Send it to me at
If you are more comfortable with snail-mail, send any information to me at Mike Heydinger Box 112 Huron, OH 44839.
We need Family History Data.
Also, we would like to do a full page here of information on each branch of the original John Heydinger family. We will post histories of each branch, pictures as far back as we can get them, and any other interesting data about the branches - whatever YOU think ought to be up on the site. We ask you to send us digital files if possible. If you are not computer savy and still wish to make a contribution of materials to this site, please email us and we can arrange to either come to you or have materials shipped to us for scanning and then return to you.
PLEASE - on all pictures, identify each person with a recognizable face. If known, indicate the year and place the picture was taken. Protect your valuable pictures and documents with cardboard stiffeners!
We need Current Family Tree Information.
If you go to the FAMILY GENEALOGY TREE in the column to the right, you can open it by clicking on the RED words This Family Tree and locate your immediate family's limbs, branches, and twigs on the family tree.
The further back you go, the more accurate the information actually is. What we need most is more MODERN up-to-date information.
Locate your part of the family's information and update it for us, PLEASE. Email to us the new and improved data. Don't worry about formating the data. Just give us the names and important dates, tell us what generation they are in and under whose name they should go. Generation numbers are included just to the LEFT of each name.
In order to have the NEW information included in the revised tree, you MUST get it to us. We will maintain the original document in order to guarantee security. Sorry!